Sunday, March 25, 2012

I am Mami's little baby

I am already 4 years old, but I am still Mami's little baby. I like being cuddled by Mami and I am sure Mami enjoys cuddling me too. I guess this is the advantage of being the youngest child. Mami does not have any other to cuddle.

Besides going to school on my own, I do not like to be separated from Mami. I am still insistent that Mami follows me when I go to Sunday School in church. It helps because Mami is also a teacher there. So, she is helping every Sunday, since I require Mami to be there. I am also insistent that Mami accompanies me for my music classes. I would not allow Dadi to come along. Last week, Mami injured her leg due to a fall from our staircase and I insisted that Mami would come and wait for me downstairs at Yamaha. Mami persuaded me for hours to allow my Kor Kor to accompany me. In the end, I allowed my Kor Kor to be with me, with the condition that Mami does not drop us off and go home. My Kor Kor is certainly Mami's good helper.

I don't mind if people tease me that I am Mami's little baby. I want to be, and I am sure I would always be.

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