Friday, April 12, 2013

Kumon works for me

Kor Kor and I started attending Kumon in March this year. It is barely 2 months and I already feel that my speed in calculating is faster.

Going to Kumon is quite effortless to us. We have to go for Kumon lessons twice a week. Every Kumon Centre has different opening days. Normally two days during the weekdays and Saturdays. We have to choose only two days in a week.

When we attend our lesson, we are given a booklet to complete. A booklet can contain 5 to 10 pages. The pages are half the size of an A4. We would normally complete a booklet between 5 to 10 minutes. I was praised when I completed a booklet within 3 minutes.

After completing the booklet, there is a number board which we need to rearrange the numbers from 1 to 100 as quickly as we can. It is easy to do, but not easy when it comes to completing it with speed. Once we have completed this, we would have to go back to the teacher to confirm if there are any corrections. Otherwise, we can check out and go home.

Upon checking out, we will be given our homework. One booklet a day until our next lesson. The booklet is similar to the one we do in the Kumon Centre. We would have to hand in our homework everytime we come to the Kumon Centre. All our homework must be timed. Kumon emphasizes in speed and accuracy.

We do our Kumon homework everyday. It normally takes us 10 minutes to complete it. I guess practise makes perfect. I find that my focus, speed and accuracy in maths have improved. I no longer use my fingers to count.

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