Saturday, October 29, 2011

Parents-Teacher Meeting at Tadika Suria Cerah

Dadi and Mami went for the Parents-Teacher Meeting at Tadika Suria Cerah yesterday morning. While Dadi and Mami met my teacher, Benjamin Kor Kor and I were doing some potatoes painting.

Teacher Leeza informed Dadi and Mami that I have improved emotionally. I am most willing to do the work given by my teacher now and I do participate actively in classes. I am able to read well, considering that I am only 3 years old, and am attending a 4 years old class. In fact, Teacher Leeza mentioned that I can read better than some 4 years old. I am a bright student and is able to join the 5 years old class next year.

Dadi and Mami are proud of me.


Sharon said...

Hi, need a little help form your little boy enrol to the taman midah, Tadika Suria Cerah? Is this school ok?

Ben and Shaun said...
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Unknown said...

Hi I'm interested to learn abt this kindy too. Mind to share your experience? Can I pm u?