Ah Mah and Mami kept scolding me today when I was enjoying my cereal. I love to eat and play at the same time. When I eat, I would also like to blow bubbless (& cereal). So, I have my cereal all over the place. I blew so hard, the cereal even landed on the floor and Mami's t-shirt. Playing is fun, but I better not play too much. I overheard Mami telling Ah Mah "Haiyoh, so messy. Don't want to feed him cereal already-lah. Drink milk enough-lah".
Picture 1: Me eating cereal.

Picture 2: Me blowing cereal (see my little tongue sticking out)

Picture 3: When I am all done with my cereal. Actually, I didn't have enough cereal because Mami and Ah Mah gave-up feeding me.